Tuesday, August 4, 2009


With the popularity of blogs, Twitter and Facebook etc... these days, everyone has and wants to voice their opinion . This is not always a bad thing as we all have different view points and life experiences that shape our beliefs and opinions. But, I do keep thinking back of something that the pastor of my church said back in May about being aware about what you are saying and writing for people to to listen to and read:

Stop and T.H.I.N.K. before you speak.

T = True
H = Helpful
I = Important
N = Necessary
K = Kind

He went on to say:

The wrong thing said any time misses.
The right thing said at the wrong time misses.
The right thing said the wrong way misses.
The right thing said the right way at the right time has a chance.

I don't always abide by this guideline, but I do try. There have been posts that I have taken time to write, only to remind myself of this guide which resulted in me eliminating the post. I wish that the news media would remind themselves of this guide before going ahead with some of the stories that they do.

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