Monday, October 19, 2009

10 Things I Don't Get

1. Sushi

2. Jon and Kate plus 8


4. Coffee Drinkers

5. The Ped Egg

6. Sky Diving

7. The Running of the Bulls

8. People that say "You just have to eat/drink a few of them, then it starts to taste good."

9. Churches that hate on other Churches

10. The X Games

What don't you get?

This was inspired by Tony Morgan


Chad Anderson said...

Barry, You don't "get" coffee and skydiving?! We can changes that, you know? Lol!

Steve Miller said...

Aha - I knew there was some issue between us (as I sip my second cup of fresh ground, home brewed Starbucks of the morning).

Barry Skalski said...

For more on my view of coffee, you can read an earlier blog post by clicking here:

Steve Miller said...

This from a guy who keeps following Detroit teams with dreams of a championship. What's to get about coffee?

Barry Skalski said...

there is absolutely nothing wrong with being a Detroit sports fan. I am very proud of being a Detroit sports fan. The Tigers are one of the best teams in baseball with a much renewed dedication to winning. The Redwings have owned the NHL for the past 20 years and the Pistons are continually a contender to the NBA championship. you can read my prior post about coffee for more insight as to why I don't get drinking coffee. Once again, that post is here:

Barry Skalski said...

I think someone had too much caffeine yesterday....hmmmm, wonder how that happened.

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