Tuesday, June 30, 2009

7 Seconds

Have you watched the movie "Seven Pounds" yet? I think it is a pretty good movie. Not a great movie by any stretch. I just think that it is an interesting movie about trying to right a wrong, guilt and not being able to forgive yourself. I think the most interesting line in the movie is when Will Smith is doing a voice over and says this:

"In 7 days, God created the world. In 7 seconds, I shattered mine"

That's a pretty profound statement to make.

Lately, I can't help but to think of that line with some of the events that have been taking place in our world. Senators and Governors who have worked extremely hard for years and years to get to a certain level only to see it all come crashing down around them. Don't get me wrong, I am not feeling sorry for them. A person has to deal with the situations that they created and they were the first people in line to condemn others only to give in to that same temptation later down the road.

It is interesting though, how a decision made in 7 seconds, can have an impact on you and those around you for the rest of your lives. So, the questions that come to my mind are these:

Am I surrounding myself with people that build me up? People that will hold me accountable? People that are not affraid to voice their opinions, even if those opinions are ones that I don't want to hear or are contrary to mine? Am I surrounding myself with people that have a firm foundation in their life? Am I surrounding myself with people that will be truthful? Am I putting guard rails and rumble strips up to keep me on the right path?

I feel that I am doing that. I have a wonderful wife named Kimberly. And some truly great people that surround me that I can rely on. How about you?

1 comment:

Steve Miller said...

Great post Barry - Healthy community is a precious thing. It's easy to neglect. It's also an easy place to hide. Living fully requires us to be immersed in it, but willing to venture outside as well.

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